Invisible Braces Treatment Cost in South Delhi

Invisible Braces

invisible braces

Orthodontic treatment or braces have advanced immensely over the years. We have a lot of young adults and elderly patients who want to correct or align their teeth. Also patients working in the aviation industry or media want a highly aesthetic option to correct their malalignment. Orthodontic correction of teeth is not only for aesthetic reasons but also for therapeutic and functional disorders.

For these patients there are two options

1. Lingual braces: in this the brackets are fixed on the lingual or tongue side of the teeth. This corrects the position of the teeth without anything being seen on the outside. This is a highly aesthetic option for patients who do not want anyone to know they are undergoing orthodontic treatment.

2. Invisalign: The other highly aesthetic option which is also very comfortable are clear or transparent braces. In this a set of clear aligners or trays are used which are changed every two weeks. This is very comfortable for the patient and extremely easy to use. We are an Invisalign certified clinic which are the best clear aligners in the world with the highest quality control. This option is usually recommended for adult patients as high patient compliance is necessary for the success of the treatment.

In today's day and age both these treatment modalities give very good results which provides an easy aesthetic option for adult patients or those looking to correct their alignment. This treatment is highly patient friendly and is always started with an intramural scan. This thoroughly scans all the teeth with the adjoining soft tissues and jaw bone. After the scan our Invisalign certifies orthodontist along with the rest of the team do the treatment planning for every case.

So even before the treatment starts the patient gets a clear idea of the expected teeth movement and result. The treatment plan is customized for each patient depending on the type of malalignment and other concerns of the patient.


Dr. Gargi Kandhari

Conservative Dentist and Endodontist, Aesthetic Dentist

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