Best Cosmetic Dental Treatment Clinic in Delhi

With ever increasing self awareness smile correction and makeover is one of the most sought after dental treatments. As a keen aesthetician nothing gives me more pleasure in seeing a patient's confidence restored back when they smile. This includes a vast array of treatments ranging from simple teeth whitening to dental implants.

Cosmetic or aesthetic dentistry forms a major part of all dental therapies nowadays. There are a vast array of dental therapies which can address various aesthetic concerns of the patient in the maxillofacial region. Facial aesthetics or a beautiful face is incomplete without a gorgeous and confident smile.

Digital smile designing (DSD) is a digital platform that helps in case planning and smile correction and makeover. It is also a great tool to help the patient get an idea or visualize the end result even before the treatment has started. It also helps in planning and making changes and corrections according to the patient's needs.

Various cosmetic dental treatments include:

Teeth whitening or bleaching

This is a cosmetic treatment in which a chemical bleaching agent is used...

Tooth Colored Fillings

In patients with intrinsic or internal stains like incases of fluorosis...

Laminates and Veneers

These are thin sheets or layer of tooth colored material which can...

Metal free aesthetic crowns

In teeth where laminates and veneers cannot suffice like in cases with...

Invisible Braces

Orthodontic treatment or braces have advanced immensely...

Gum Therapy

These cases require gum surgery called gingivectomy, gingivoplasty or...


Dr. Gargi Kandhari

Conservative Dentist and Endodontist, Aesthetic Dentist

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